Schwule Asiaten und schwule Männer anderer Nationen im LYC Berlin
Long Yang Club Berlin - LYC - Schwule, lesbische und transsexuelle Asiaten und deren Freunde LYC Members SAVE 12% - Click here

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Was ist LYC Berlin?

Die Events in Berlin

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LYC Berlin

This is our new face. Simple, clear and easy.


LYC Berlin is a non-commercial organization and its goal is to promote friendship and understanding among Asian Gays and people of other nationalities through social and cultural events in Berlin.

We provide information to interested people, groups and organizations. The Club organizes get-togethers, cultural and educational trips, mutual help and support, telephon help lines, as well as publishing articles in magazines. Please join our newsletter at Yahoo groups!



We meet every 2nd Tuesday at

Spot Café Bar
Basement, Eisenacher Str. 2, U-Nollendorfplatz (U1, U2, U4, Bus 119, 187)




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