The main regular
event we organize is a monthly Pot Luck party, every second
Sunday of the month.
A Pot Luck party is a party where everyone brings along something
to eat for the others, either a dish you cook yourself, or
some appetizers or desserts, and we share everything. We usually
arrange for various culinary talents to be demonstrated, and
we have a lot of talented cooks indeed. Before the Pot Luck
Party, we have a drink and discuss the various activities
we will organize for the next few weeks.
Apart from this, we have regular initiatives from members
who organize activities such as Sunday Dim Sum brunches
(if you don't know what that is, don't hesitate to join
us on one of the outings), cultural visits, brochures, meetings
with other LYC's - and any other idea our members might
have. As we are a young group, we are on the lookout for
new ideas and initiatives...