by Kerry Seebohm


photo: (from left) Thinh, Kerry, Chris and friend


A few days before Christmas, Kerry and Thinh arrived in the "City of Sails", Auckland New Zealand. Our superb host was the convenor of LYC-Auckland, Chris H. who met us at the airport and thus began 12 days of partying, sightseeing and touring of New Zealand's North Island.


The very evening that we arrived, was the occasion of the LYC-Auckland committee meeting. Kerry was welcomed as Regional Co-ordinator and Thinh as his partner. We were made to feel very welcome. The meeting was well run and at times lively. President John P. chaired the meeting with his partner Secretary Rusdi T. by his side. The committee meeting was also attended by quite a few members as observers. Almost all present, contributed to the meeting.


My observation of LYC-Auckland is that it is a very happy, supportive and well run chapter. It could even be called 'a model chapter'. It has over 50 members and Asians make up almost 50% of the total membership. All members are very supportive and protective of each other, and the feeling of pride, happiness, vibrancy and energy in the LYC-Auckland chapter is very apparent.


We were feted to a wonderful Christmas dinner on Christmas eve, commencing at Convenor Chris H's home for Entree's and then we all went off by Mini Bus to John and Rusdi's residence for the very scrumptious main courses, which turned out to be nothing short of a banquet.


Santa called in, in the guise of John G. with his Filipino partner Felix P. assisting. Gifts were exchanged, each member bringing a small gift of value under $10 to exchange with each other. A wonderful party it was, and dancing and laughing and good cheer continued well into the evening. The Mini Bus was a great idea to get the revellers safely back home.


Whilst we were in Auckland, individual members invited us to their homes for dinner and again on New Year's eve was yet another party.


I can not understate the warm welcome that we received from all the members of LYC-Auckland, and the people of New Zealand generally are just so friendly. Even the public bus passengers thank their driver as they alight from the bus. Cheerful hey! One day prior to Christmas, one particular driver personally welcomed every passenger as they boarded his bus and wished them all a "Merry Christmas."


Auckland is a city of just over 1.2 million people, but has a feel of a much larger city about it. It visually is a mix between Sydney and Brisbane. The Sky City tower, taller than Sydney's Centre Point, dominates the skyline.


New Zealand generally has a look of prosperity about it. It is extraordinarily clean and green (yes even in mid summer) and the towns and cities are neat and tidy and the roads are excellent and well maintained. As well as driving around greater Auckland area, we also drove to Lake Taupo and Rotarua, and drove all the way up the Coromandel Peninsula. Again everywhere was spectacular scenery.


Thinh noted that there were not as many sheep as he expected to see, he also made a rather impolite remark as to where the sheep might actually be spending their time, but good 'Lychee' journalism prevents me from putting his remarks into print.


Twelve days is no where near enough time to see even the North Island, let alone the even more scenic South Island. So we have both declared that we will be returning to New Zealand in the not too distant future to see much more.


I really feel that all Australians should attempt to visit New Zealand. It is beautiful, very friendly, prosperous, and Auckland city has a very active gay scene. Plenty of bars, clubs, saunas, and we don't need a visa to visit NZ, (just a passport) and any person who has Australian PR (permanent residency) also does not need a visa.


Also of interest is that they drive on the left hand side of the road and your Australian drivers license is all you need to drive on NZ roads. No International License is required. Just hop in a car and start touring (cruising !!!?) You will feel at home immediately you step off the plane at the modern Auckland International Airport. It yet again makes Adelaide's airport look shabby and very outdated.


Thanks again to Chris H., John and Rusdi and all the guys of LYC-Auckland for helping us to have such a wonderful time in your great country.


As Thinh remarked to Chris as he drove us to the airport, "It is just the best holiday I have ever had"


That says it all, and LYC-Auckland welcomes any LYC-Adelaide member(s) to their country. You will be pleasantly surprised and very happy with your company.




Kerry is the Regional Coordinator, Australia/NZ/Asia, for Long Yang Club International. You can contact him at  We are seeking contributions to articles with a gay East-West theme, from gay Asians and Western friends from around the world. If you have an an article or story, about 600-1200 words, that you might like to contribute, please send it in to us at : 




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