1. Name and logo 1.1. This Society shall be known as
"Long Yang Club International", hereafter
referred to as LYCI. 1.2 The members of LYCI shall
create a logo which represents LYCI 1.3 No other name
and logo shall be used in the advertisement or
representation of LYCI. 1.4 The name and logo "Long
Yang Club" and their derivates (e.g. LYCI) are the
property of LYCI and shall not be used without the
written permission of the LYCI Executive Committee.
Furthermore, no club, chapter or individual will use the
name and logo "Long Yang Club" or any
variation thereof or title or reference same in any
medium unless it is a member in good standing of LYCI.
1.5 Any infraction of the use of the name and logo
"Long Yang Club" may result in disciplinary
Law / Location 2.1. LYCI shall be located in London, UK.
The laws of the United Kingdom shall therefore govern
Purpose 3.1. LYCI is a non-profit, non-sectarian and
non-political organization whose purpose is to: ·
Facilitate through member clubs, social contacts between
gay Asians and non-Asians. · Through member clubs,
assist individuals in their pursuit of education and/or
social development. · Through member clubs, provide a
safe and comfortable environment for social gatherings
in which to promote understanding of alternative
lifestyles and among Asians and non-Asians. 3.2. LYCI
will provide guidance and assistance to its members,
through its officers. 3.3. In order to maintain and
protect the good name of Long Yang Club, LYCI will
strive to ensure that high standards of behavior are
maintained within its organization. In particular, LYCI
will seek to ensure that there is no discrimination
within its member clubs on the basis of sexual
orientation, race, religion, age or gender to the extent
possible within local laws.
Membership 4.1. Membership to LYCI shall be open to any
society that accepts this constitution and shares the
same objectives as LYCI. Only societies may become
members of LYCI, not individuals. 4.2. LYCI may expel a
member, which does not maintain the good name of Long
Yang Club and as well as supporting the principles and
purposes of Long Yang Club International. 4.3. Members
of LYCI shall be called "Clubs". They can also
be referred to as "Chapters" or "Local
Clubs". 4.4. Membership in LYCI may be granted upon
written application to the International Coordinator and
a written undertaking to accept the following
constitution and support the purposes of LYCI. The
application, written in both the local language and
English, shall contain: · The proposed name of the
Club. · A copy of the Constitution of the proposed
Club. · The names of the Officers of the proposed Club.
· A written undertaking that the Club will comply with
the principles of LYCI. 4.5. All members are required to
pay a membership fee for the calendar year. If a member
fails to pay the membership fee for a year, it shall
lose the right to vote at the Annual General Meeting of
that year. 4.6. Any member of LYCI can be referred to as
Long Yang Club *, where * stands for the name of the
city or the country where the club is active (e.g. Long
Yang Club London). 4.7. Any Club seeking membership, but
which cannot comply with all requirements of this
Constitution, may apply for membership and be granted
probationary status until it can fulfill all the
requirements. The decision to accept a candidature from
a club seeking membership without complying with all the
requirements stated above shall rest with the Executive
Committee. No candidature shall be refused unless the
Executive Committee is of the opinion that there are
inadequacies in the application. In such cases the
applicant club may present its candidature to the next
Annual General Meeting for a decision. 4.8. A club shall
be given probationary status for one year during which
it may participate in LYCI activities including
attending but not voting at the Annual General Meeting.
At the end of the year, the probationary member shall
give a report of its activities to the Annual General
Meeting after which the probationary member may be
elevated to full membership. 4.8.1 In exceptional
circumstances, a club may apply to the Executive
Committee for a further one-year extension to allow them
to comply with requirements of LYCI membership. 4.9. The
Annual General Meeting shall vote on granting Full
membership. 4.10. Any member shall provide annually
provide LYCI with the following information: · An
audited total of membership numbers as may be obtained
under the laws of the country in which proposed the Club
is located. · The list of its officers. · A profit and
loss statement that complies with the rules of LYCI.
4.11. With respect to its own affairs, each club shall
be responsible to no other authority than its own. But
when its plans concern other LYCI members or affect
international relations, LYCI Executive Committee must
be consulted. No member, officer or individual member
should ever take any action that might greatly affect
LYCI as a whole without conferring with the Executive
Committee. LYCI will not take action that might greatly
affect a member club without first conferring with the
member club.
Individual members 5.1. Members of Clubs/Chapters shall
be called Individual Members. 5.2. Any Club shall
provide a welcome and complete access to its privileges
to any individual member who is a member in good
standing of another local Club. 5.3. An individual
member of any club shall be admitted to the events of
another club, in the same conditions as if he or she
were an individual member of this club, upon
presentation of a LYCI recognized proof of such
membership (e.g. valid individual membership card)
Executive Committee 6.1. The LYCI shall have an
executive committee consisting of at least the following
elected officers: · President. · Vice President. ·
Treasurer. · Secretary. 6.2. The Officers shall be
elected by a majority vote of the chapter delegates
present at the Annual Meeting of LYCI and shall hold
office for a period of 1 year. If, for any reason, the
period between Annual Meetings exceeds the period of a
term of office, the incumbent shall remain in office
until the next Annual Meeting. 6.3. Elected Officers
should remain forever non-professional. Professionalism
is defined as the occupation for fees or hire. LYCI may
though employ individual members to perform specific
services. 6.4. The role of the committee is to manage
all aspects of LYCI. 6.5. Meetings of the Executive
Committee may be called and may be conducted using
electronic means. 6.6. The Agenda at an Executive
Committee Meetings shall be as follows: · Record of
Calling of Meeting. · Approval of Minutes of last
Executive Meeting. · Business arising out of minutes.
· Reports. · New Business. 6.7. Approval at the
Executive Committee shall be by consensus. 6.8. Minutes
of Executive Committee meetings shall be distributed to
both Executive Committee and LYCI members. Distribution
of Executive Committee meetings may be by electronic
Duties of Executive Committee Members 7.1. The President
shall: · Be responsible for the constitutional running
of LYCI. · Ensure that LYCI does not contravene the
Constitution, regulations or policy. · Preside at all
meetings of the LYCI and the LYCI Executive Committee.
· Represent LYCI to other organizations. · Supervise
the preparation of a Strategic Plan. · Undertake such
duties as may be assigned to the President by the
Executive Committee. 7.2. The Vice President shall: ·
Preside at all meetings of the LYCI and the LYCI
Executive Committee when the Chairman is unable to do
so. · Undertake such other duties as shall be assigned
to the Co-Chairperson by the Executive Committee. 7.3.
The Secretary shall: · Keep a full list of membership
and ensure that they are all members of LYCI. ·
Maintain a registry of correspondence. · Keep minutes
of all meetings held (incl. LYCI Executive and Annual
General Meetings), which shall be available to all
members. · Keep an up-to-date inventory of equipment
owned by LYCI. · Keep a file of all correspondence
between LYCI Executive Committee and Members. ·
Distribute any information of interest to all members.
7.4. The Treasurer shall: · Manage the finance of LYCI
including budgeting and reporting on expenses. · Keep a
record of and oversee all financial transactions of
LYCI. · Receive and disburse monies or other goods as
may be appropriate. · Arrange payments of all bills as
well as payments of all approved expenditures. ·
Prepare an annual budget for approval by the Executive
Committee and the Annual General Meeting.
International Coordinator 8.1. The Executive Committee
may also appoint an International Coordinator. 8.2. The
International Coordinator is a member of the Executive
Committee. 8.3. The International Coordinator shall: ·
Coordinate and assist clubs around the world. · Help to
establish new chapters. · Be responsible for the
administration and co-ordination of all LYCI activities
and to ensure that LYCI meets its requirements. ·
Maintain the LYCI domain web site, which explains the
principal aims and activities of LYCI, provide updated
information about clubs and give links to their web
sites. · Reply to website enquiries, and deal with
personal ads. · Provide where required a service as
temporary webmaster, publicity officer or other roles,
which can be performed "remotely", for clubs
which do not have these positions filled.
Regional Coordinators 9.1. The International Coordinator
may appoint Regional Coordinator to assist him with his
tasks and liaise with the Executive Committee on their
appointment. 9.2. Regional Coordinators shall report to
the International Coordinator. 9.3. The duties of
Regional Coordinators shall be to: · Coordinate and
assist clubs within their region, in conjunction with
the International Coordinator. · Help establish new
clubs in their region and generally to keep the
International Coordinator abreast of significant
developments and other matters relating to LYCI
activities in their allocated region.
Annual General Meeting 10.1. LYCI shall meet annually
unless a previous Annual General Meeting votes
otherwise. Where possible, such Annual Meetings shall be
held in conjunction with ICON meetings. 10.2. Annual
General Meetings may be called using electronic means.
Notice of Annual General Meetings shall be sent out not
less than two months before such meeting. The Notice
shall include: · Date, time and place of the Annual
General Meeting. · Proposed Agenda and agenda items. ·
Any proposed changes to the Constitution. · Any major
program initiatives. · A proposed budget. 10.3. LYCI
members shall be represented by any individual member of
a club, fully accredited by the President of the Club.
Such accreditation may be transmitted to the Secretary
by electronic means and shall arrive no later than one
week before the Annual General Meeting, or by letter
carried to the Annual General Meeting by the
representative. The appointed representative of any
member club/chapter of LYCI may attend and vote at
Annual General Meetings. 10.4. The Agenda at an Annual
General Meetings shall be as follows: · Calling to
Order of Meeting. · Verification of credentials at
meeting. · Approval of Agenda. · Approval of Minutes
of Meeting of Last Annual General Meeting. · Business
arising from minutes. · Reports from Officers and
others. · Approval of Executive Committee actions as
reported in Executive Committee Meeting minutes. ·
Setting Annual membership Fees. · New Business. ·
Setting a date and place for the Next Annual General
Meeting. · Any Other business. · Election of Officers
10.5. Approval shall be by vote at which the Officers
and each represented club have a vote. To pass, a motion
shall receive at least the majority of the votes cast. A
member club, which is unable to attend an Annual General
Meeting, may send in a vote by electronic means provided
the Secretary before the Annual General Meeting receives
such vote (as indicated by the date time group of the
electronic message).
ICON 11.1. LYCI shall hold annual conferences which
shall be called ICON * (where * stands for the year).
11.2. Any club may offer to host an ICON conference.
Offers to host an ICON conference shall be presented to
the Annual General Meeting for approval. The Offer shall
include: · Date and Place of the ICON conference. ·
Duration and Program of the ICON conference. ·
Estimated budget for the ICON conference. ·
Registration fees and policy for individual
Finance 12.1. The funds of Long Yang Clubs International
shall come from: · Annual membership fees which shall
be set at each Annual General Meeting. · ICON events.
· Sponsorships. · Government project or program
support. 12.2. Budgets shall include estimated revenues
and costs which attend: · Proposed or ongoing LYCI
Programs · Proposed or ongoing LYCI Projects ·
Proposed or ongoing LYCI Administrative activities such
as communications, supplies, postage, website
maintenance, publications, travel expenses.
Relations with other clubs and/or organizations LYCI may
at the discretion of the Executive Committee establish
formal links with organizations, which have similar or
compatible objectives or principles. Such organizations
may include: · Asians and Friends clubs. · Other
East-West Clubs. · Other gay Organizations.
Discipline 14.1. Failure of the LYCI or its members to
comply with its constitution may result in disciplinary
action against the Executive Committee. 14.2. Failure of
the President to attend 2 Annual General Meetings will
require the President to step down from his/her
position. 14.3. Failure of a LYCI officer to fulfill
his/her job commitment may with the agreement of the
International Coordinator result in one of the following
actions being taken by the Executive Committee: ·
Written Caution. · Expulsion from the Committee, or
resignation from his/her duties.
Declaration 15.1. The Executive Committee and all it's
members and officers shall abide by the present
Constitution, and any rules laid down at all
Amendments 16.1. Amendments to the present constitution
shall be made at the Annual General Meeting. 16.1.1
(Transitional until ICON 2003) Amendments to the
Constitution can be proposed and added, subject to email
voting for a transitional period from ICON 2002 to ICON
2003 at which point this clause will be deleted. 16.2. A
copy of the amended constitution must be sent to all
members. 16.3. Amendments to the constitution must pass
by a two-third-majority vote of the members
Transitional 17.1. Any club, which is currently using
the name, Long Yang Club shall be granted full
membership status for year 2002/2003. 17.2. Such clubs
shall comply with the requirements stated above within
one year. 17.3 Moved to Section 4.8.1
Policy and Procedures 18.1. The Executive Committee
shall be empowered to create various policies,
procedures or guidelines that the EC will use to fulfill
its duties and functions and as such will be compliant
with the Constitution. These polices, procedures shall
be the guideline by which all members shall follow.
18.2. The policies, procedures, or guidelines shall be
voted and accepted by the Executive Committee and shall
be revisited yearly to ensure the validity of these
policies. 18.3 All policies, procedures, or guidelines
shall be sent to all members after being approved by the
Executive Committee to ensure their integrity.