

To place your Personal Ad:


Write your ad (not exceeding 75 words). Extra words could be edited out at webmaster's discretion. Kindly make sure that you mention which town or city you live in. Ads without your city of residence will not be published. Indicate your age (you have to be at least 18 years of age, or older) and the age range of friends you are seeking (they have to be at least 18 years of age, or older).


Please send your PHOTOS in any of these formats:  .GIF, .JPEG, or .BMP.  Also, try not to send very large photos.  We prefer mostly "head and shoulders" pics, not full body shots.  


Please email the ad with the photo as an attachment to:


In your email, please put 'Please Place Ad" in the subject line.  The editor/webmaster reserves the right to summarize or edit the ads where appropriate.


IMPORTANT: Long Yang Club International is STRONGLY AGAINST UNDER-AGED SEX. Anyone sending ads of such nature will be rejected.




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