Club Information
Long Yang is an informal social group of gay men where Asians and Caucasians can
meet to socialize in a safe, supportive environment. We maintain strong
relations and communications with LYC chapters throughout the world.
We are also concerned with helping Asian gays make contact with others in a
friendly atmosphere that is non-threatening and in offering support to them.
We are a group of private individual gay guys who have faced the same isolation
and concerns as many others. For many men, accepting their sexuality can be a
long and difficult process rather than fun and discovery. While they may achieve
the ultimate goal of meeting other gay men, the task often seems daunting.
Long Yang Clubs are non-religious and non-political.
LYC-Vancouver is an affiliate member of the Long Yang Club International, a
non-profit, all-volunteer international organization based in London, England.
There are Long Yang Clubs established in 35 cities in 10 countries around the
world. In Canada, there are Chapters in Montreal, Ottawa,Toronto, and Vancouver.
Although each Chapter is independently managed,all share the same name and
similar goals and objectives of being social clubs for gay Asians and
Caucasians, their partners and friends.
LYC, is an "East-West" club, based on the philosophy of promoting friendship and
understanding between gay men from, or having origins from, these two parts of
the world.
If you have any questions please
contact us: Ian Young,President Kevin Chen,Webmaster Hsien Te Tseng,Web Manager