Membership Application Form

Name:                                                                            *Partner:                                                              


Postal Address: Street:                                                                                                                              


Home Telephone:                                                            Mobile Telephone:                                                 




Ethnic Background:                                                         Nationality:                                                           


From where / whom did you learn about our Long Yang Club?                                                                        


Prior to joining have you attended a Club function as one of our or a Member’s Guests?            *Yes  /  *No      


Which one(s)?                                                                                                                   


Do you have any friends who are Members of our Club?          *Yes  /  *No       How Many?                             


What type of social activities do you prefer to participate in?                                                                          



*I wish to join as a Single male – HK$250.00                                *I wish to join as a Student – HK$100.00


*We wish to join as a Couple – HK$200.00 each



*  -  Please Delete Non-applicable parts that are marked with an Asterisk (*)


NOTE: Memberships run from 1 July through to 30 June the following year.  Applicants for Student Membership are required to include a photocopy of their Student ID Card.

I am a gay male of 18 years of age or older and am making this application on the basis that I wish to become a Member of the Hong Kong Division, Long Yang Club for purposes of Social and Friendship contacts with other males of similar interests living in or visiting Hong Kong.  I agree to abide by the Club’s Constitution which includes the general aims and objectives of the Long Yang Club in it being a social club for Asians, and their Asian, European friends and/or partners.


Signed:                                                                                             Dated:                                              


PLEASE NOTE:  The above information is classed as “Highly Confidential” and will be encoded in the Club’s Membership Records.  Under no circumstances will any of this information be divulged or disclosed to anyone.  Your Club Card giving your Membership Number together with a copy of our Club’s Constitution will be forwarded to you by post.  Where applicable, you will receive regular Bulletins by E-mail – or by telephone from the Club’s Secretariat – so as to keep you fully informed of details of the Club’s forthcoming activities.


CLUB’S POSTAL ADDRESS:  164 Tong Lo Wan Road Tin Hau Hong Kong. 

