Report from club president | |
President's Report LongYangClub Indianapolis - May 2002 | |
1. Greetings Welcome to LongYangClub Indianapolis. The purpose of our group is to provide a social calendar where Asians and non-Asians can meet in a safe environment where we are able to make life-long friends. In addition, we have many activities to achieve that goal. There are pitch-in dinners, pool parties and cookouts being planned along with canoe trips and bicycling activities. Some of these activities will be shared with our nearby out-of-state sister organizations. Our first meeting held downtown Friday, April 19, 2024 was productive and a hearty congratulations are in order to everyone who stepped up and offered their assistance. Thank you guys. We did it !! We managed to have enough people present where all board of directors positions are filled, we were able to plan our activities for the next six months AND we were able to raise $40 for our treasury too! Thank you to everyone who contributed to this effort. Our newsletter editor, Bob, person will fill you in with the details of our first meeting.
2. P.S. Don't forget to get your inaugural LongYangClub - Indianapolis T-shirts. They are made of quality Fruit of the Loom material.
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