Updated on Jan 18, 2024 Home Club Info ActivityBulletinContact Us§ CulturesZodiac Wheels rat ox tiger rabbit dragon snake horse ram monkey rooster dog boar |
As western horoscope, which is based on monthly moon cycle to foresee the future, Zodiacs can accurately read the personality of each person based on his or her birth animal. Due to a slight time shift, Chinese people have two New Years and two birthdays each year. The confusion can also arise if one is trying to figure out their birth animal if one is born in between Jan 21 and Feb 20. If your child was born on Jan 18, 2004. His birth animal is still ram and not monkey.
The RankingThe animals can be very cunning. They all descent on earth by punishment later, and turn politicians.There are stiff competitions to head the gang. Here's the unofficial story. When Buddha ready to leave earth, only 12 animals came to bid farewell. So he chose them to represent each year, but each wants to be the first sign. So God leads them to the Silver River (Yin Her, aka Milky Way). Whoever reaches the shore across first will lead, and the rest will be ranked accordingly. When the race starts, rat sneaks onto the head of ox, since Chinese cow is known to be the best swimmer. As predicted, ox reaches the shore first, but rat jumps ashore ahead of ox. On the side note, you may wonder why cat is not included in the Zodiac? Here's another unofficial story based on the cat's version. Rumor has it that Buddha summoned all animals to his temple in which he would rank the first 12 arrivals, to be the specific symbols of each year in a 12 year cycle. On the night before departure, cat made a pack with his pal, the rat, that whoever woke up first the next morning must wake the other up so they can depart together. But the rat broke his promise. He woke up pretty early and journeyed to the temple alone. The rat was first to arrive. The next to arrive were ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, ram, monkey, rooster, dog and boar respectively. When the cat got there, the ceremony was over. That's why cats love to kill rats nowadays. Listen to Al Stewart's Year Of The Cat for the whole story. |