Long Yang Club - Sydney
Newsletter # 42 - February 2004.

Greetings to Members and Friends of Long Yang Club Sydney

Well, here we are again in February, Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Festival time. So much going on around town! Check out http://mardigras.org.au Have a happy and safe Mardi Gras !

We will be meeting for the informative and educational Men's Health Night at the ACON rooms next week for our 3rd Friday of the month Club Night, on the 20th February, followed by a group dinner at Tumnak Thai restaurant. See below for details.

Long Yang Club will be a stallholder at the Mardi Gras Fair Day on 22nd February . We urgently need volunteers to help decorate the stall from 9am, and/or to put in even just an hour or two between 10am and 6pm during the day to staff it. We will be a couple of committee members short that weekend, so we'd really appreciate your help. Here is your chance to support and represent the Club, watch the passing parade, meet new and interesting people, generally " fly the flag " and promote membership of our Club to the wider gay community. Please register your interest with Daniel (0410-593-858) or John (0412-348-858).

Would those who are interested in the block booking for the Bobby Goldsmith Foundation Stands to watch the Mardi Gras Parade on Saturday 6th March please bring their $84 along to the Club Night at ACON on 20th February and see Michael.

Remember, the next Yum Cha luncheon is the day after the Mardi Gras Parade and Party ( Sunday, 7th March ), for those still standing!


William F




Friday, 20th February 2004:

INFORMATION AND EDUCATION NIGHT ( Regular third Friday of the month Club Night ).

7.00pm for 7.30pm at ACON Centre Rooms 9 & 10, Lower Ground Floor, 9 Commonwealth St , Surry Hills.

( near Museum Station, near Hyde Park . Behind Kinko's/ American Express Building )

Use “ACON" Buzzer for entry into the building if the door is unattended. Dr Rene Francia will be giving a presentation on Men's Health Matters (Updating us on AIDS, STD's, safer sex, Viagra and other drugs). Dinner afterwards at Tumnak Thai Restaurant, 10% discount to LYC members. Enquiries : Daniel 0410-593-858

Sunday, 22nd February 2004:

THE SYDNEY GAY AND LESBIAN MARDI GRAS FAIR DAY 10.00am-6.00pm Victoria Park. ( Corner City Road and Parramatta Road , Chippendale).

Long Yang Club's stall will be there in all its glory, but we need YOU! Can you spare an hour or two to support LYC? In any case, do call by our stall and say hello. Buy a ticket in the Raffle for a LYC Hamper: tickets $2 each or three for $5.

Special Membership Drive promotion (join for 16 months – till end June 2005, pay just the usual yearly subscription - $20 single membership; $30 for couples; $15 for non-waged, plus get three free raffle tickets) Volunteers urgently needed to help out with staffing the stall. Enquiries: Daniel 0415 -773-654 or John 0412-348-858.

Saturday, 6th March 2004:

THE SYDNEY GAY AND LESBIAN MARDI GRAS PARADE. (Entry to BGF Stands area from 5.00pm, Parade from 8.00pm).

Why battle the crowds on the streets? Want to be part of a Long Yang Club group to watch the Parade from the Bobby Goldsmith Foundation Reserved Seating Stands?

Bring the ticket price ($94) along to the Club Night at the ACON rooms on Friday 20th February and see Michael. Enquiries: Michael 0411-152-354

Sunday, 7th March 2004:


Regular first Sunday of the month Yum Cha brunch at the Golden Harbour Restaurant. 31-33 Dixon Street , Chinatown ( at the Chinese Gate at the top end of Dixon Street ). Our usual popular casual gathering for Sunday brunch. Meet outside the restaurant 10.45 for 11.00am or join our table(s). Try to not be late or you might miss out on some of the dishes! Enquiries: William 0419-188-250

Saturday 20th March 2004:


Starting at 11.00am we will be picnicking in the park near the “sheltered” beautiful beach of Bundeena . Car pool from town or train and ferry from Cronulla to get there. Como residents and Long Yang Club members Eddie and Lansell will open their home to members for cocktails after the day's activities, from 5.00pm. More details in next newsletter.

Contact numbers for the LYC-Sydney Committee:

John W (Acting President) 0412-348-858

William F (Secretary) 0419-188-250

Chris G (Assistant Secretary) 0402-681-863

Daniel S (Operations Coordinator) 0410-593-858

Michael C (Media Liaison) 0411-152-354

Email: lyc_sydney@yahoo.com.au

Website: www.longyangclub.org/sydney