LYCI is the coordinating body for all of the LYC Chapters throughout the world and every Chapter is a member. Other non-LYC groups may be permitted to become members at the discretion of the LYCI executive committee, but usually only where the group in question accepts the principles and objects of the Long Yang Club and fully supports the LYC network.


LYCI is governed by a written constitution (click here for text of LYCI Constitution) and by-laws. It is managed by a board of executive officers (click for more info) who are elected annually by the individual Chapters at the LYCI AGM which is held at the annual convention ("iCON" - see more information below).


The executive officers appoint an International Coordinator, who in turn appoints a network of Regional Coordinators. The Regional Coordinators liaise with the entire network of LYC chapters worldwide. For example, in Australia New Zealand and Asia, the Regional Coordinator for ANZ/Asia provides support for LYC chapters in that region. In Europe, we have the Regional Coordinator for Europe, and so on.


The executive officers of LYCI and the International Coordinator confer regularly, usually by means of a monthly internet meeting on the second Sunday of each month at 2200 hours GMT. Organizers or nominated office bearers of local LYC Chapters are entitled to attend these meetings as observers.





  • To protect the good name of the Long Yang Club throughout the world. LYC is after all the world's largest network of gay Asian/non-Asian groups and our reputation matters.


  • To coordinate the activities of the individual Chapters. To facilitate this, LYCI has appointed Regional Coordinators for each main geographical region. The task of these Regional Coordinators is to provide advice and support to Chapters in their respective regions and to liaise with the executive committee of LYCI.


  • To provide a central hub for the dissemination of information throughout the network of Chapters, and in this connection to maintain regular contact with individual Chapters. Such information is likely to include news about developments in other Chapters, updates for news letters and magazines, and so forth.


  • To provide detailed advice and support to any individual or group of individuals wishing to start a new LYC Chapter.


  • To provide free advice and support on almost all issues regarding management of individual Chapters, including marketing, finance, membership recruitment, social activities, website design, etc. Where possible, free guides and workshops may be arranged to enhance the management skills of those involved in running individual Chapters.


  • To maintain and regularly update the LYC Global Village website ( containing news and information and direct links to the separate websites of all local Chapters. Almost every Chapter has its own website. In addition there is an important and very popular facility for placing and responding to personal advertisements. Free web space and alias e-mail addresses are provided to every Chapter.


  • To oversee arrangements for an annual international convention known as "iCON". Each year, iCON is held in a different city, hosted by the local LYC Chapter which takes direct responsibility for the program of events. These events are mainly social but they also include workshops and the AGM of LYCI. In 2002, iCON was held in Montreal and Ottawa, and in 2003 the iCON venue is Paris.





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