"Long Yang"?
The organization is named after Lord Long Yang, the lover of an
Emperor, referred to in Chinese literature from the Zhou Dynasty.
What does the LYC logo represent ?
It resembles the Chinese "Ying Yang" symbol. The two hands - the East
the West are holding on to each other.
Long Yang Clubs World-Wide
LYC chapters can also be found in many other cities around the world.
LYC Vancouver recognizes memberships from other chapters of LYC
International and vice-versa.
Refer to our International Website for a listing of all clubs world
Who are we?
Long Yang Vancouver was organized by Paul Donovan in the Fall of 1996.
In the Spring of 2003
a new Team under the leadership of Ian Young assumed responsibility for
the Chapter.
Since the chapter was formed in 1996 members have participated in a
variety of events including:
* Barbecues
* Bowling
* Dining out
* Pub crawls and disco nights
* Discussion groups
* Seasonal parties ( Christmas, etc )
* Karaoke parties
* Picnics
* Pool parties
* Potluck dinners
* AND MORE . . . . . .
We're working to create an environment for gay
men who are looking for an alternative socialoutlet to the bar scene.
Friendly & non-threatening environment
Our members come from various backgrounds, encompassing a diverse
cross-section of age groups, education, and employment backgrounds.
You might find some people in the club are completely out of the
while others may
be in the process of coming out or are still private about their sexual
orientation. At LYC - Vancouver, it doesn't matter which situation
applies to you. LYC is a non-threatening, safe environment for gay men
whether single or coupled.
The Club is what YOU make it!
This club is an all-volunteer organization. It is people like you, who
organize and particiapte in events and determine the future of the
If you have any new ideas, comments or suggestions, please do voice
If you wish to share your expertise in a particular area or organize an
event that interests you and others, please contact Ian Young at
(604) 420-6367
Remember, you're always very welcome to develop and lead new programs
for LYC. After all, we're all here to make the club a better place to
meet and have fun!
Are you ready to join us?
Please request, complete and mail our Membership Form.
How to Reach Us?
Information By Phone
Call Xtra West's touch-tone Community Directory
* Dial 604-684-9872 (604-684-XTRA)
* Press 1 on your touch-tone phone at the main menu for Extensions.
* Enter 2253 - you will hear a recorded info message describing upcoming events which
is updated regularly.
Direct Telephone Contact
Our new contact number is: 604-420-6367.This is LYC-Vancouver official contact number.
Email Directory
Ian Young, President
kevin_chen@shaw.ca Kevin Chen, Webmaster
hseinte@shaw.ca Hsien Te Tseng, Web Manager
You may direct any questions or suggestions relating to the web pages,
or other subjects related to LYC-Vancouver to any of the above. Your
email will be directed to the appropriate person.
Main website
Our Yahoo Group - open to members and non-members alike. Subscribe to, join in discussions, read news about the club, post photos, and so on:
Click to subscribe to LYC-Vancouver group
Postal Mailing Address
Long Yang Club - Vancouver
# 195 - 3495 Cambie Street,
Vancouver, BC - V5Z 4R3 Canada
How to become
a member
If you have any questions
please contact us:
iey@shaw.ca Ian Young,President
kevin_chen@shaw.ca Kevin Chen,Webmaster
hseinte@shaw.ca Hsien Te Tseng,Web Manager