1 Name
1.1 The name of the Club shall be “Long Yang Club Canberra”, hereinafter
referred to as "the Club".
2 Objective
2.1 The objective of the Club is to foster friendship between gay Asian
and non-Asian men.
3 Affiliation
3.1 The Club shall establish and retain affiliation with the International
organization of Long Yang.
4 Membership
4.1 Membership shall be open to all persons who subscribe to the Objective
of the Club.
4.2 The Membership year shall be from 1 March to 28
4.3 Membership fees shall be set by the Annual General
5 Committee
5.1 The Committee shall, by majority decision, manage the Club between
Annual General Meetings.
5.2 The following Committee Members shall be
elected at the Annual General Meeting:
5.3 President
5.3.1 The President shall chair all meetings, be spokesman for the Club,
and have a casting vote in the event of a tie in any vote.
5.4.1 The Secretary shall maintain minutes of all General Meetings, be
responsible for the maintenance of membership records and the notification
of all meetings and functions to members.
5.5 Honorary
5.5.1 The Honorary Treasurer shall maintain records of all Club revenue
and expenditure.
5.6 Other Positions
5.6.1 Members, at an Annual General Meeting, shall have the option of
filling by nomination and election any other Committee positions that they
see fit.
5.6.2 Some examples of the positions that may be filled are
Social Secretary, Membership Secretary, Newsletter Editor, and Assistant or
Deputy to any position.
5.6.3 This list is not meant to be
exhaustive, or to limit the discretion of members at an Annual General
5.7 Co-opting Members’ Assistance
5.7.1 The Committee shall have the power to co-opt any willing members
to assist in the running of the Club or specific functions as they see
6 General Meetings
6.1 Annual General Meeting
6.1.1 An Annual General Meeting shall be held in each new year, before
the end of February.
6.1.2 Notice shall be given to all members of
the meeting at least 1 week in advance, and an Agenda shall be circulated
with the Notice.
6.1.3 General business shall be allowed at such
meetings, however where ever possible, advance notice should be given to
allow listing on the Agenda.
6.2 Special General Meetings
6.2.1 Where any extraordinary matter is required to be decided between
Annual General Meetings, a Special General Meeting shall be
6.2.2 A Special General Meeting may be called at any time by
the Committee.
6.2.3 In the event that 25% of members present a
petition to the Committee to call a Special General Meeting, the Committee
shall cause a Special General meeting to be called within 4 weeks of
receiving the petition. The petition shall contain the reason for calling
the meeting.
6.2.4 Notice shall be given to all members of the
meeting at least 2 weeks in advance, and an Agenda shall be circulated with
the Notice.
6.2.5 General business shall not be allowed at such
meetings, however after receipt of the Agenda, a member may add an agenda
item by providing notice to the Secretary (or his representative as notified
in the Notice) no less than 7 days in advance of the Meeting.
6.3.1 A Quorum at a General Meeting shall be 40% of financial
6.3.2 In the event that an Annual General Meeting does not
meet this Quorum, and where notice was given to all financial members in
accordance with Clause 6.1.2, a Quorum shall be determined to be present if
75% of those present vote to proceed with the meeting.
7 Other Meetings
7.1 Other Meetings shall be called by the Committee as they see
8 Privacy
8.1 The privacy of members must be considered paramount, and shall be
maintained at all times, by, but not restricted to, the following
- Membership records shall remain in the custody of a Committee Member at
all times.
- Membership records shall not be provided to any other organisation for
any reason.
- Membership records shall only be used for the execution of Club
- Where an organisation wants to circulate information to Members, and
where the Committee determines that this information is of use or interest
to Members, the circulation can only be done by the Committee.
- A Membership list shall not be created for the purpose of circulation
within the Club.
- The Committee shall not provide one member’s details to another member,
except where the other member has been co-opted by the Committee to be
involved in the organisation of a function or event. In this event, the
co-opted member must agree to return, erase or delete the details after the
function or event.
8.2 This Clause shall not be varied by any
Annual or Special General Meeting, except to strengthen the requirements for
9 Dissolution
9.1 A motion to dissolve the Club can only be passed by a Special General
9.2 In the event that a motion is called to dissolve the Club,
6 months notice of the dissolution must be presented to the International
organisation of Long Yang.
(Note: this Clause exists to provide the International organisation with
the ability to provide alternative options to Members prior to the actual
dissolution. Nothing in this Clause requires Members to act on options
provided, however at all times, the Objective of the Club should remain
9.3 At the expiry of the 6 months notice, if another
Special General Meeting has not rescinded the motion to dissolve, the Club
shall be wound up.
9.4 In the event of the Club being dissolved, any
remaining funds shall be donated to an appropriate Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or
similar charity organisation.
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