Please RSVP to any of the events as soon as you decide and check your email for further additions and updates. See you at the events

To contact us, please email:



Saturday, May 1: Dinner at Pearl Garden in Manchester, CT at 5pm. A Chinese-Vietnamese restaurant , which is a surprise find. Great food at very good prices. Thanks to James for finding this gem of a restaurant. Movie after the dinner?
Please RSVP soon (if you have not done so) as it would be best that we get a reservation to ensure we not have to wait too long for dinner.

Saturday, May 22, two possibilities:
(i) Weekend at Jeff's beach cottage in Hampton Beach, NH. Space is limited, email if you would like to spend a weekend at the beach! Thanks Jeff! (At this point, the consensus is to have this late summer....we will do so)

(ii) Ed suggests, bus trip or car pool to:
4th Annual New York City
at The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Services Center in New York City.
Please RSVP as we need to figure out the carpool arrangements.

EVENTS...Put it in your dairy!



Sunday , May 30 at 3pm. "Memorial Day" weekend cookout at Rich's in Waterbury, CT. Email for information and directions if you need it.

Saturday , June 5. Day trip to Salem, MA. Visit the Asian art and culture exhibits in the Peabody Essex Museum. This museum has the largest Asian art and cultural exhibits in the region. The main attraction is the Yin Yu Tang House (a late Qing dynasty merchant's house re-erected inside the PEM itself!) Visit and find out more.

June 12 or trip to New York ( to include Chinatown and the "Village")
(or weekend in New York, depending on the interest, please specify if you are interested)