If you have a link you would like to have added please contact the webmaster.
Click - for information on our mother and sister clubs, LYC gay personals, ect.
Asian Pacific Islander PFLAG help about personal gay  issues in Hawaii
Emeraldview Guest House - Gay B&B; Hilo - Big Island
GLCC - Gay, Lesbian Community Center
the Life Foundation - AIDS assistance & information
Absolute Paradise B&B; - Gay B&B; - Big Island/Puna Coast
gay hawaii.com
Gay Hawaii.com - Hawaii gay guide & more gay Hawaii links
RAINBOW HANDBOOK HAWAII - The definitive gay guide
iCON 2004:BANGKOK - 5th  LYC Annual International Convention
Dorthey's Corner - Notices
visit our Friends
Hawaii gay scene
Hawaii Gay Scene - Links  to Hawaii gay scene & personals