To our LYC chapter supporting group organizers:

The Long Yang Club International (LYCI) bank account is based in the United Kingdom and using 'PayPal' for the transfer of international payments from around the world is the simplest and cheapest method we can find so far to enable LYC Chapters, and other gay Asian groups which seek to join LYCI, to contribute to their Annual Subscription, and to enable the funds to be transferred into the LYCI bank account.

You will require a Credit Card to make your payment and 'PayPal' accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express credit cards.

The Annual Subscription for LYCI is currently USD 25.00 (for the year 2003) which is used mainly to provide web space for LYC chapters, renting of the LYC domain name, and other minimal administration costs like phone calls, etc. All LYCI officers and staff are volunteers and they contribute their efforts for free.

Thank you in advance for your contribution and in supporting Long Yang Club International.

To make a payment, please click on the 'PayPal' button below:


IMPORTANT:  After sending the subscription using 'PayPal':


Please send an email to indicating: 


1. The date that the money was sent. 

2. The amount that was sent, USD25.00 this year. 

3. The Credit Card type that was used, Visa, Master Card etc. 

4. The name on the credit card that was used to send to the money. 

5. The name of the chapter/group that the money was paid on behalf of. 


This email will ensure that the 'PayPal' payment can be credited to the correct chapter/group.


If you have any problems with your subscription, please email the treasurer at:






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