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Newsletter of Long Yang Club Canberra, Australia
APRIL 2004 |
Hi Members, firstly an apology and explanation. Since our last function, your Committee met and considered various issues, mostly arising from the AGM - more details are below. The Committee also decided to hold a post Easter function on Saturday 17 April at Lake Ginninderra. Unfortunately, due to my problems of not being able to send out the newsletter on time, we had to cancel that function. My apologies to everyone.
This is to advise that the next function will be on Saturday 1 May at Mark C's place at Watson and will be a Pot Luck dinner commencing at 7.00 PM - please phone 6242 4011 for directions.
The Pot Luck dinner will be followed by a Special General Meeting to allow your Committee to report back to Members on the two items stood over from the AGM in February - incorporation of LYCC and membership fees for the current year. Your Committee will be making recommendations to the meeting on both items and asking Members to make decisions on those recommendations. Please come along and have your say about future directions for LYCC.
The meeting of the Committee also developed a draft program of activities for the balance of 2004 and up to the 2005 AGM next February. Details are set out below
1 May 2024
Pot Luck Dinner followed by Special General Meeting at Mark C's place at Watson.
Free - members are asked to consider suggestions or volunteer to host a function
Christmas in July - details closer to the date
Free. Possibly an evening of sweets - ice-cream and cakes rather than a traditional Pot Luck.Volunteer host is required for this month.
House Boast weekend on the Clyde River at Batemans Bay. A popular activity with many members. The cost is usually around $150 for 3 nights on the river. We will take 2 boats if we get around 16 interested members. Advance deposit will be required for this activity.
Floriade BBQ - venue and details to be advised. Possibly invite Sydney LYC for the weekend
Pre Bush Dance BBQ. Venue and details to be advised closer to the date.
Free. Members are asked to consider suggestion or volunteer to host a function.
January 2005
Free. Members are asked to consider suggestions or volunteer to host a function.
February 2005
AGM - venue to be advised.
Your Committee has also considered arranging movie nights, ten pin bowling nights and other similar activities in addition to the above monthly functions. The Committee welcomes any input or ideas from members on other activities and also from members volunteering to host a function.
See everyone on 1 May at Mark's place at Watson.