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Newsletter of Long Yang Club Canberra, Australia
MARCH 2004 |
Well, its that time of year again and LYCC has just been through our Annual General Meeting in February. Thirty one of our members and some visitors turned up for a Pot Luck Dinner hosted by John P at his place in Evatt. It was nice to see some new faces and also see some of our longer term members re-appear from overseas holidays and expeditions. As usual with Pot Luck Dinners, the culinary skills of our members shone through again with a variety and range of dishes to suit most members.
Dinner was followed by the AGM under the usual chairmanship of Terry - the formal Minutes of the AGM will be sent out shortly by separate e-mail. The meeting went smoothly with annual reports from President Jeremy and Treasurer Stephen. In broad terms, 2003 has been another very successful year for Long Yang Canberra with a full range of activities and events - although some were changed or cancelled due to weather and other factors. The membership of LYCC continues to climb although bank funds dropped a little this year due to unplanned additional costs associated with the last Christmas in July function.
The AGM decided that for 2004, LYCC would not call on members to re-new their memberships until certain matters are further investigated by the new Committee and a report is provided to a specially convened General Meeting of members. The new Committee will advise of the timing and details of that special General Meeting in a future newsletter.
President Jeremy and Secretary Cesar indicated to the meeting that they would not stand for election again - mainly on the basis "Its time to hand over to someone else to have a go". Treasurer Stephen agreed to continue - unless there was a volunteer from the meeting. Members congratulated and thanked the 2003 Committee for their guidance and leadership of LYCC during
the year.
As a result of elections, the following members were all unanimously elected to the following positions for 2004
Anthony M.
Terry S.
Stephen V.
Membership Secretary
Leo S.
Social Secretary
Following the formal part of the meeting, Host John entertained members with an "organ display" that ended in an impromptu Karaoke sing-a-long - such sweet angelic voices. Many thanks to John P for his gracious hospitality that made the night another success for LYCC and congratulation to the newly elected Committee for 2004.
Despite the minor setback of having to find a new venue, our LYCC Sunday Tennis group is starting to build up numbers again with spectators and players enjoying some healthy sport and recreational leisure every Sunday afternoon at Narrabundah. Even if you have never played tennis before or don't own a tennis racquet - please feel very welcome to come along and have a hit or just enjoy the social friendship.
LYCC Tennis will host a Sunday evening BBQ on the 21st of March. Everyone is invited to come along and join the function. Social tennis commences at 3:00 PM and the BBQ will be at 6:00 PM. This will be at the Narrabundah Tennis Courts on Boolimba Street (next to the Shops). Please bring your own drinks and gold coin donations for the meats and salads to be provided. RSVP is required by email to Keith M. at
This is my last newsletter as outgoing Secretary for 2003. The next newsletter will be produced by the incoming Secretary. I thank all members of LYCC for their support and assistance during the period I have been Secretary and produced Whispering Bamboo. I urge you to help your new Committee and to volunteer to host a function.
Hi Folks, I am slowly moving into the job of writing Whispering Bamboo to keep everyone informed about LYCC activities and plans. Your comments, thoughts and opinions are always most welcome.
2004 marks the 21st birthday for our foundation chapter of Long Yang clubs - Long Yang London. Billy Wong established the concept of Long Yang in London in 1983 and now our international organisation has spread around the world with 35 chapters in 9 countries covering 4 continents. Happy 21st birthday to Long Yang London from the oldest chapter in Australia - LYCC.
Our last function was held on Sunday 21 March and hosted by our LYCC Sunday Tennis group at the courts at Narrabundah. It is great to see our tennis group making such a strong recovery after the problems of late last year and having to find a new venue. The tennis started at 3.00 pm with the usual social games, followed by a BBQ at 6.00 pm. Although I could not attend due to work obligations, I understand that 23 of our members took part in either playing tennis or watching the on court activities and then enjoyed the BBQ dinner that went through to 8.00 pm.
Congratulation to LYCC Sunday Tennis for organising the function and many thanks for your efforts. Special mention and thanks to Mel for providing a curry, Cesar for the salads, Tang for the prawns, Stephen for the cooking and Keith for the organisation and idea.
All LYCC members are always very welcome to come along every Sunday afternoon and enjoy playing tennis - no prior experience is necessary.
Your newly elected Committee is planning to meet early next week to consider some important issues for LYCC. Firstly, to develop a recommendation in relation to the issue of incorporation of LYCC under ACT laws - members will recall this question was discussed at our recent AGM.
Although not directly related to incorporation, the Committee will also consider a recommendation for LYCC membership fees for the balance of 2004. This question was also stood over from the AGM.
It is expected that the questions of incorporation and membership fees will require the calling of a Special General Meeting of LYCC to allow members to decide those issues - more details later.
The other serious item for discussion and consideration by your Committee is to develop a program of activities and events for LYCC for the balance of 2004. As with all items discussed by your Committee, members are encouraged to make suggestions for group activates and also to volunteer to host a function. Your Committee is currently looking for suggestions and a host for our next function to be held later in April.
That's about all the immediate news for now. I will send out another newsletter shortly to inform everyone of the outcomes of the Committee meeting and also details of our next function.
Terry S.