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Newsletter of Long Yang Club Canberra, Australia
OCTOBER 2003 |
Sorry about no newsletter for this month, but at least we can bring you the details for this
month's great LYCC function.
Saturday 25 October - Car Treasure Hunt
For north side Members - assemble at the Lake Ginninderra car park (top end) opposite the
Belconnen Mall at 3.00 PM.
For south side members - assemble at the Hellenic Club car park at Woden at 3.00 PM.
The function is a car treasure hunt that will end up at Mark and Miguel's new place at
Watson - fronting the Federal Highway - Bremen, 14 Federal Highway, Watson. Phone 6242 4011
for directions.
Please make sure you bring pencil (pen) and paper for the treasure hunt and also food
suitable for "Hight Tea" (scones, strawberry jam and cream - watercress sandwiches, fairy
bread etc etc) at the end of the treasure hunt. Mark and Miguel will then provide their
world famous "Cocktail Drinks Party" as the wild finale. See you all there.