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Newsletter of Long Yang Club Canberra, Australia
JUNE 2004 |
Sorry I have been a bit slow in sending this edition of Whispering Bamboo, but my work life has been a bit busy. I hope the information of coming events for LYCC makes up for my slowness and encourages you to attend our club functions and activities.
Our last function was held on Saturday 5 June at Mark and Miguel's place at Watson. Well over thirty of our members and guests turned up on a very cold Canberra night to help celebrate several birthdays, to try Miguel's cocktail skills and generally have fun together. Mark kept everyone well fed with a range of delicious finger food that seemed to keep coming form the kitchen in a never ending stream while Miguel kept all members well lubricated with a range of cocktails and mixed drinks.
Although the outside temperature was low, spirits and festivity was high - the finale was three birthday cakes for several members celebrating their birthdays during May and June.
Well done and thanks to Mark and Miguel for another fabulous evening.
Our next function will be a Pot Luck Dinner at Glen's place at Gungahlin. Dinner will be followed by a special gay friendly version of "Trivial Pursuit". Prizes will be to the overall winning team with special spot prizes during the quiz, so its time to start brushing up on your general knowledge and gay trivia.
Details of the function are as follows
Glen's home at Gungahlin
Saturday 26 June 2024 commencing at 7.30 PM
For details to find Glen - call mobile 0411 770 603 or
Its finally almost here again ! Our very popular annual mid year Christmas Party.has been booked for the 24 July 2004. The party will again be in a restaurant - three course dinner for $30 per member with BYO drinks. Following from some minor difficulties last year - your Committee has decided that definite advance bookings are essential with the payment of a $20 deposit per member.
To guarantee your place at Christmas in July, please pay your deposit to Treasurer Stephen at our next function at Glen's on Saturday.
Following our usual tradition - there will be a "Secret Santa" gift exchange. Members should bring a small humorous gift to the value of around $5 - $10 for Secret Santa to distribute during the evening.
More details will be in the next Newsletter.
We still have a few dates left for the rest of this year for members who wish to experience the pleasure of hosting a Long Yang function. Don't be shy - approach one of the Committee and volunteer to be a LYCC host.
Our program for 2004 lists a weekend house boating on the Clyde River at Bateman's Bay for September. Because the house boats need to be booked early, your Committee needs an early indication of the number of members who may be interested in coming away for a nautical weekend. If you have never been on this trip before - this is your chance to experience a beautiful weekend on the beautiful Clyde River. Ask any of the members who have already been on this trip and then let the Committee know that you will be joining us in September.
Each house boat sleeps 8 people in 4 comfortable cabins - hot showers, TV and video, stereo radio and CD, fully equipped kitchen, refrigeration and BBQ facilities.
A very big welcome to our new members who have recently joined LYCC. We hope to see you come along to our functions and activities and join in the fun and enjoyment of being a member of LYCC. For existing members, don't forget that your membership fees are now due for 2004 - please see Treasurer Stephen to make sure you are financial and to support your club.
See everyone at Glen's place next Saturday