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Newsletter of Long Yang Club Canberra, Australia
Twenty three of our local members and four visitors from LY Sydney enjoyed an early evening
Bar-b-que at Steven and Daniel's place before moving on to the annual Bush Dance at Yarralumla
Woolshed. The afternoon started informally with members enjoying the drinks and the BBQ in the
garden - before polishing the dancing shoes for a night of traditional "old fashioned" dancing.
For those members who missed the night - mark your diary for November 2004 so you can join us
for a night of fun, entertainment and good social exchange.
As usual, all members and our Sydney visitors thoroughly enjoyed the night. Many thanks to
Steven and Daniel for the pre dance hospitality.
Saturday December 13 - Kambah Pool Picnic
The function for December is a lunch time picnic at Kambah Pool, followed by a light supper
with snacks and nibbles hosted by Terry and Cesar - details are below.
13 December - meet at car park at Kambah Pool at 1.00 PM. Bring your own lunch and drinks.
Clothing is optional.
For any members who have not been to Kambah Pool - follow the Tuggeranong Parkway south till
you reach the first set of traffic lights at Sulwood Drive. Turn right (at the traffic lights)
into Sulwood and the left into Kambah Pool Road - there are signposts. Follow Kambah Pool Road
for approximately 3 kms and there veer right after going through the gateway and follow the
road to the carpark at the bottom of the steep hill. Kambah Pool is an official nude bathing
area - clothing (swimmers) is optional.
For afternoon tea and supper at Terry and Cesar's (starting around 5'ish till late) - it is
close to Kambah Pool. Directions will be provided at lunch time or please phone 62319652.
Bring your own drinks.
Details for the January 2004 function will be available in the next newsletter.
Your Committee sends greeting to our member Laurie S who is currently recuperating at home after an operation. We hope you fully recover soon Laurie and are able to join us in the New Year and make up for lost time.
The Committee for LYCC sends greeting to all our members, friends and Long Yang Clubs around the world for the festive holidays season. We hope everyone takes time to share the holiday season with each other and the period is happy, safe and rewarding. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Long Yang Club Canberra.
The Long Yang Club Canberra hosts a social tennis afternoon on Sundays for anyone would would
like to play, or watch for that matter!! We welcome anyone who is looking for a relaxing
afternoon playing tennis or having fellowship with other Long Yang members and visitors.
But if you are interested in visiting our little tennis group, at the moment we play from 3 pm
to 5pm each Sunday. We are of all levels, and some of our players actually learnt
in the group! So your level of competence is not a problem (except if you are Mark
Philippoussis or similar - I don’t think we would stand up to that level!!).
We most often have tea and coffee available, and ask players/visitors to bring some biscuits
or something to have with the drinks. Players pay $2 towards costs of the court, and balls
are provided. The location is close to Civic.
If you are interested, please ring Keith on 0402 475 879 after hours or on the weekend.