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Newsletter of Long Yang Club Canberra, Australia
MAY 2004 |
Our last function was a combined Pot Luck Dinner and Special General Meeting of LYCC to consider issues stood over from the AGM in February. Mark and Miguel were our very gracious hosts to 27 members at the home in Watson. The Pot Luck Dinner was greatly enjoyed by everyone - especially the Sheppard's Pie courtesy of Jeremy and Simon.
Following dinner, President Anthony invited members to join the Special General Meeting to consider the two issues referred to your Committee from the last AGM - membership fees for 2004 and incorporation of LYCC. Members engaged in vigorous and spirited discussion on the various options for both issues.
The outcome was decided to change membership fees for 2004 to $20 for non student members and $5 for students. The question of incorporation involved further discussion - but the decision was not to proceed with incorporation of LYCC. The meeting decided to ask the Committee to further investigate the practicality and cost of taking out public liability insurance for LYCC. A report will be provided to a future meeting of members.
Many thanks to Mark and Miguel for hosting another enjoyable evening.
Our next function will be on Saturday 5 June and will be a cocktail party to celebrate various birthdays of members during the middle of the year. Mark and Miguel have very kindly volunteered to host the party at their place at Watson, commencing at 7.00 pm.
For details to find Mark and Miguel's place, please phone Mark on 6242 4011 or mobile 0419 237 416. Mark has volunteered to provide cocktail "finger food" for the evening, but has asked that Members bring their favourite liquor for Mark and Miguel to provide such cocktails as "Flaming Lamborghini" and perhaps an "Orgasm" or two. Wines and beers will also be welcome to make for a fabulous night.
June Function:
It is also proposed to have another function towards the end of June - probably around Saturday 26 June. More details will be provided in the next newsletter.
July Function:
Don't forget LYCC's annual Christmas in July for 2004. Your Committee is busy considering venues and dates for this very popular annual event - we will keep you posted as details come to hand.
Your Committee is still looking for Volunteers to host functions for the balance of 2004 and also suggestions from Members about additional activities to include in our program. Please contact any of the Committee if you have suggestions or ideas.
As noted in the report of the Special General Meeting above, Members decided to increase membership fees for ordinary members to $20 per year and to maintain $5 per year for student members for 2004. Many thanks to most of our members who renewed their membership at the Special General Meeting. For those members who were not able to attend the meeting - its time to renew your membership with LYCC.
Please contact Treasurer Stephen at
svince@vtown.com.au and continue to support LYCC by your financial contribution.
Your Newsletter will be coming from a new e-mail address by next month. Your Editor has finally moved over to Transact cable and the next edition will be from our new address. This means mail will no longer be delivered to your Editor by the current provider at the end of this month.
See you all on 5 June at Mark and Miguel's place.