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Newsletter of Long Yang Club Canberra, Australia
JANUARY 2004 |
Although everyone has been busy for the last several weeks, Long Yang Canberra has been fairly quiet on the activity front. Welcome back to all our members who went away over the Christmas New Year period to visit family and distant friends, I hope everyone had a good Christmas and an exciting New Year - welcome to 2004.
Our last function was in December 2003. Picnic lunch and swim at Kambah Pool followed by
an evening BBQ and supper at Terry and Cesar's place. It seems that most of our more
adventurous members must have been busy on the day because only 3 or 4 turned up to swim
at Kambah Pool - for our inter-state and overseas readers - Kambah Pool is an official nude
swimming area on the Murrumbidgee River. It is very pretty with lots of "wild life" to be seen.
Around 27 of our members arrived for the evening BBQ - held outdoors in Terry and Cesar's
rose garden. Everyone enjoyed themselves - the highlight of the night was turning on the
"fairy lights" for Christmas.
Its that time of year again - the LYCC annual general meeting is our next function and will be held in February. Firstly, your Committee is looking for a volunteer to host the meeting, so if you have space for people to sit or lounge around for 20 minutes during the meeting - please contact the Committee. The AGM is usually followed by a Pot Luck dinner - more details in the next newsletter. The Agenda for the AGM will also be sent out with the next newsletter.
Have you ever considered becoming more involved in our club? The Annual General Meeting is your opportunity to put up your hand and be elected to one of the Committee positions - President, Secretary or Treasurer. The current Committee members have a done a great job for the past 12 months - but there is always room for new ideas and new people. Please consider helping your LYCC by volunteering for a position. Current Committee members will be willing to help and provide assistance to the incoming Committee members, so have a chat to any of them - President Jeremy, Secretary Cesar and Treasurer Stephen.
Many of our members have taken the opportunity over the years to have a hit at Sunday tennis
and the tennis group recently strengthened their relationship with LYCC by agreeing to
officially become part of LYCC family. The tennis group has been playing at the same venue
for 14 years and has recently increased its numbers since advertising in our newsletter as
part of LYCC.
Unfortunately, not everyone supports the success of LYCC and the tennis group. An unknow
person has complained to the "owners" of the tennis courts which means that LYCC Tennis will
no longer be able to use that facility. We extend our appreciation to John - our sunday
host - for his support and friendship over the years. Keith is attempting to find a new venue
to continue the tradition of sporting health and fitness and social friendship for all LYCC
members. PLease contact Keith iof you have any ideas to keep this group activity going.